Tax-Exempt Customers

Want to order HappyBoards? Follow our step by step instructions as a tax exempt customer.

Verify Eligibility:

  • Confirm that your organization qualifies for sales tax exemption in your state.

  • Commonly, this includes registered non-profit organizations with 501(c)(3) status and government entities.

Provide Exemption Documentation:

  • Before placing an order, eligible customers must provide a valid sales tax exemption certificate or equivalent documentation. 

  • This documentation should include the organization's name, tax-exempt identification number, and the state in which the exemption applies.

  • Upload the document and complete HappyBoards’s Tax-Exemption Orders form.

Order Placement:

  • Once the exemption documentation is submitted, customers can place their order tax free.

HappyBoards’s Tax-Exemption Order form must be complete prior to every order. If the tax was already applied during an order, email with your name and order number, along with your tax-exemption certificate and our team will refund the sales tax.


Have a question? Text us at (757) 798-8095